Volunteer Position Descriptions
Below are descriptions of the volunteer positions which need to be filled for Pack 133. Please note that everything highlighted in BROWN is an Executive Committee Position. (The Executive Committee Meets once per month to plan activities and discuss issues, every other month den leaders are asked to attend)
Executive Committee
Charter Organization Representative
Volunteer Name: Chris Smith
Pack Committee Chair
The Pack Chairs and the Cub Masters work closely together along with the help of the committee to ensure that we have a great Scouting Program
Volunteer Name: Jason Nolan
Cub Master
Our fearless leader. Lead the pack meetings and provide opening comments, lead announcements and discuss the Cub Master’s minute to tie the scouting monthly core theme to the activities of the night. Among many, many, many other things.
Volunteer Name: Jack Kiefer
Assistant Cub Masters
We need more parents to step up to this role and help out. As assistant Cub Master, you are expected to help out at pack meetings and assist at the Arrow of Light Ceremony for the departing Webelos. (one Sat in February/March) (It is also appreciated if you can help out at various pack events)
Volunteer Name: Jason Nolan, Tim McChesney, Tom Shaw
Pack Secretary
Take notes at all committee meetings and post online for all scout families to see. Will also work with the committee to update and send out each monthly “Upcoming Events in (Month)“ email.
Volunteer Name: Gina Flores
Responsible for tracking money coming in and out of the pack. Maintains our checking account, scout shop account and prepares monthly reports for the committee meetings and the yearly budget analysis. Works with leaders whenever they need reimbursements for approved activities.
Volunteer Name: Lauri Stroup
Advancement Chair
This person would be responsible for coordinating with the leaders about monthly advancements and logging it all into the computer. BSA has a specific program that is used for this and whoever takes on this role will be trained. Can be broken down into 3 sections if needed – although a coordinator still needs to oversee everything.
Volunteer Name: Tim McChesney
Training Chair
Keeps track of all training done by Pack 133 Leaders and Committee Members. Reminds them when they need to re-take their training. Sends out information about upcoming training courses. Answers any questions leaders may have about training needs.
Volunteer Name: Adam Maurer
Membership / Recharter Chair
Works very closely with Pack Chairs and Committee to help advertise and recruit new members into Pack 133. Helps form dens with scouts and leaders. Processes all paperwork through the proper channels. Should also be involved with rechartering.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
F.O.S Chair (Friends of Scouting)
Friend’s of Scouting Campaign is council’s fundraising effort. The F.O.S. drive which will take place in January. This volunteer will be responsible for making sure everyone receives their packets and tracking collection of the returned envelopes. Some follow up with Council will be involved.
Volunteer Name: Andi Dickens
Outdoor Activity Chair
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Additional Volunteers
Pack Webmaster
Responsible for maintaining Pack 133’s Website and keeping it updated with current information.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Volunteer Unit Health and Safety Coordinator
Responsible for maintaining all medical records of the pack and making sure all info is current. CONFIDENTIALITY A MUST! Work with the Pack Chair, Leaders, and Training Coordinator to make sure all adults have taken the needed training. Makes sure the Pack has a well stocked First Aid kit at all Pack Wide Events. (doesn’t need to attend, just make sure the kit is there)
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Volunteer Coordinator
This person would make sure that the volunteer slots have been filled for all upcoming events and that the volunteers are aware of what they need to do and when.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Reservations Coordinator
This person would be responsible for reserving any locations needed for meetings. (Hilltop House for Meetings, MTMS for Pine Wood Derby and Blue/Gold, etc...) Almost all of this can be done via email or phone
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Certificate of Insurance Coordinator
Once a year our Certificates of Insurance for the locations we meet at need to be updated. This is a simple process that can be done via email. Copies of the COI will then be sent to you and they can stay on file as occasionally someone will need to see an additional copy during the year.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pack Meeting Coordinator(s)
Someone to write out an agenda for Pack Meetings (There’s a basic procedure followed) and just make sure they are running smoothly. If necessary, suggest to the committee ideas for the “Entertainment” portion of the meeting. Coordinate with the Entertainment in terms of pricing/availability/etc and materials they may need. This position should plan on attending all the pack meetings, so two people could consider sharing this role.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Class B -T-shirt Coordinator
Responsible for keeping our supply of Class B T-shirts. And will be the contact for anyone who needs a T-shirt throughout the year. Also responsible to make sure we have enough shirts in our inventory.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Rechartering Coordinator
Once all forms are received for rechartering, enter in the computer system and process with council. This would take place late fall. The den leaders will be responsible for collecting everything from their dens. At this point, it would all get passed onto the coordinator for entry.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Outings and Trips Coordinator
Responsible for overseeing the coordination of both the fall and spring trips and the Fall Camporee. Works with the committee to come up with ideas for pack wide trips then works with the individual coordinator to run each event. Can additionally work as one of the Committee Members/Event Coordinators.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Committee Member Fall Camporee
Usually the last weekend in Sept or First Weekend in October. Responsible for working with Council and coordinating this trip and then collecting RSVPs and any necessary forms.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Committee Member Fall and Spring Trips
Find a fun location, a date that works for the pack, advertise to the pack and collect RSVP’s and any necessary forms. (feel free to sign up for both trips)
Volunteer Name: Open Position
Baloo Trained Parent
Pack requires that at least one Baloo Trained adult attends any overnight trip, including camp-outs. Besides attending some of the trips and/or campouts – one full day training session is required. Information and dates can be found at this link: http://training.ppbsa.org/adult/cubscouts/ (Pack 133 will reimburse you for the training expense)
Volunteer Name: Jason Nolan, Tim McChesney, Tom Shaw, Chris Harner
Camping Coordinator
Helps organize the winter cabin camping in February, and the family campout in May. Make sure reservations have been made, Make sure a Baloo Trained Parent will be attending and assist the coordinators as needed. Work with the Boy Scout Troops to see if any Scouts can assist.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Committee Member Winter Cabin Camping
Plan and organize the Winter Cabin Camping Trip.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Committee Member Family Campout
Plan and organize the May Family Campout
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Popcorn Kernal
Works with Council to order popcorn for the Fall Show and Sell. Reserves King’s and the PO to sell. Explains and coordinates the popcorn sale for the pack. Together with the committee comes up with incentives for the boys to sell. Collects and enters all the orders from the leaders. Receives popcorn for den distribution, tracks prizes, special patches, etc....
Volunteer Name: Position Open (Kerby Kociancic to vacate position)
Popcorn Committee
Assists the Popcorn Kernal with any of the job descriptions listed above.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Popcorn Distribution Coordinator
Willing to “house” the delivered popcorn at their house and hold while the leaders come and pick up their supplies. Arrival date will be a bit flexible.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Popcorn Distribution Committee
Once the popcorn has arrived, help sort it into dens for pick up. Must have a flexible schedule as the time and date of arrival are not known ahead of time.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Publicity Coordinator
Liasons with the local papers (Observer-Tribune, Daily Record, & Star Ledger) to get photos and articles about Pack 133 in print. Those on the committee may write the articles and provide the photos but sometimes these articles will come from the Pack Committee
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pack News Reporter
Help Write articles to spotlight Pack 133 in the news. (also has the option of providing a newsletter for the website if interested)
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pack Photographer
Takes or collects photos to go with the articles or place on the website.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Leader’s Advancement Representative
Liason with the leaders to find out their monthly advancements.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Advancement Data Base Entry
Once all the orders have been received, they can be entered into our Advancement’s System
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Advancements Pick Up
Willing to pick up monthly advancements at the Scout Shop in Cedar Knolls.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Hiking Committee and Coordinator – (4+ Coordinators)
The pack offers seasonal hikes four times a year. This committee plans and at least one person on the committee leads the hike. They need to scout out the chosen location ahead of time to make sure it is safe to hike. Usually hikes are 2-3 miles and tend to be family friendly. The coordinator makes sure that the upcoming hikes are being planned according to the calendar and also can plan/lead the hike if needed. You may sign up for the hike of your choice, but we ask that everyone on the committee try and be flexible if something comes up with another member’s schedule.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Belt Loop Midway Coordinator
The Belt Loop Midway is usually scheduled for the first weekend in January. This coordinator would make sure to alert people to sign up ahead of time and help with registration and any questions if necessary.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pine Wood Derby Coordinator
Pinewood Derby is late January. Coordinator tests track prior to derby date. Day of event, runs the derby including scores, trophies and check in on the night before.
Volunteer Name: Armen Zaybekian, Tom Shaw
PWD Technical Assistance
Someone to work with the track and the computer both for the pre-test (about 1 -2 weeks before hand) and during registration and the day of the event. You will need to enter all the data into the system.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
PWD Registration Coordinator
Check in all the cars, sign in and by rank and list with name before moving onto Inspection.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
PWD Inspection Coordinator
Inspect the cars, provide supplies to “fix” any potential problems. Weigh the cars and once they pass, send them over to impound.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
PWD Quarantine Coordinator
Responsible for making sure that cars stay quarantined once checked in. Scouts are allowed to LOOK at others cars but they cannot be touched. Often the Boy Scouts are in this area assisting with this.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Blue/Gold Committee
The Blue & Gold Banquet is a celebration of the anniversary of scouting in America. It should be a culmination of the year, especially highlighting the activities of the AOL candidates that will be crossing over to Boy Scouts along with their leaders.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Council Bowl a Thon Coordinator
Patriot Path Council Sponsors a Bowl-a-Thon every year the morning of Superbowl Sunday. Coordinator will help to advertise this information out to the pack and register as a group together. Best if they are planning on bowling that day.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Arrow of Light Post Party Coordinator (Must be a Webelo I Family)
Although the AOL Candidates plan the party, this coordinator works with the Webelo I Families who help set up the post party while the ceremony is going on.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Late Night Coordinators
The coordinators supply the water and popcorn and help select which movie we want to show. Also responsible for overseeing clean up afterwards.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Late Night Committee
Help the coordinators with food distribution, monitor the behavior of movie watchers and assist with set up and clean up. Must plan on being at the late night.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Fall and Spring Conservation Coordinator
Environmental conservation is a large part of the scouting movement. We like to provide a conservation service project to a civic location located within our town. Coordinator would provide location options, dates and coordinate the scouts and any tools that may be needed.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pack Picnic Coordinators
Responsible for coming up with ideas/games etc..for the Year End Pack Picnic. Then running these events the day of the picnic.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Raingutter Regatta Coordinators
Help coordinate the regatta. Distribute the regatta kits and make sure updated rules are online. Make sure the gutters and sawhorses and water are at the site. Help run the races, and figure out the heats for each rank.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Regatta Committee
Assist with judging, providing supplies (straws, glue, etc...) Check-in Registration. Help with heat coordination, etc....
Volunteer Name: Position Open
July 4th Parade Coordinator
Must be willing to walk in the parade. Register Pack 133 to March and coordinate with all the scouts who wish to be in the parade that morning.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Summer Baseball Game Coordinator
Pick a summer baseball game that the pack can go see, it may be an overnight or not. Many of the local teams have ‘Scout Night” Advertise to the pack, and register the group and then all attend the game together.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Labor Day Parade Coordinator
Must be willing to walk in the parade. Register Pack 133 to March and coordinate with all the scouts who wish to be in the parade that morning.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Below are descriptions of the volunteer positions which need to be filled for Pack 133. Please note that everything highlighted in BROWN is an Executive Committee Position. (The Executive Committee Meets once per month to plan activities and discuss issues, every other month den leaders are asked to attend)
Executive Committee
Charter Organization Representative
Volunteer Name: Chris Smith
Pack Committee Chair
The Pack Chairs and the Cub Masters work closely together along with the help of the committee to ensure that we have a great Scouting Program
Volunteer Name: Jason Nolan
Cub Master
Our fearless leader. Lead the pack meetings and provide opening comments, lead announcements and discuss the Cub Master’s minute to tie the scouting monthly core theme to the activities of the night. Among many, many, many other things.
Volunteer Name: Jack Kiefer
Assistant Cub Masters
We need more parents to step up to this role and help out. As assistant Cub Master, you are expected to help out at pack meetings and assist at the Arrow of Light Ceremony for the departing Webelos. (one Sat in February/March) (It is also appreciated if you can help out at various pack events)
Volunteer Name: Jason Nolan, Tim McChesney, Tom Shaw
Pack Secretary
Take notes at all committee meetings and post online for all scout families to see. Will also work with the committee to update and send out each monthly “Upcoming Events in (Month)“ email.
Volunteer Name: Gina Flores
Responsible for tracking money coming in and out of the pack. Maintains our checking account, scout shop account and prepares monthly reports for the committee meetings and the yearly budget analysis. Works with leaders whenever they need reimbursements for approved activities.
Volunteer Name: Lauri Stroup
Advancement Chair
This person would be responsible for coordinating with the leaders about monthly advancements and logging it all into the computer. BSA has a specific program that is used for this and whoever takes on this role will be trained. Can be broken down into 3 sections if needed – although a coordinator still needs to oversee everything.
Volunteer Name: Tim McChesney
Training Chair
Keeps track of all training done by Pack 133 Leaders and Committee Members. Reminds them when they need to re-take their training. Sends out information about upcoming training courses. Answers any questions leaders may have about training needs.
Volunteer Name: Adam Maurer
Membership / Recharter Chair
Works very closely with Pack Chairs and Committee to help advertise and recruit new members into Pack 133. Helps form dens with scouts and leaders. Processes all paperwork through the proper channels. Should also be involved with rechartering.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
F.O.S Chair (Friends of Scouting)
Friend’s of Scouting Campaign is council’s fundraising effort. The F.O.S. drive which will take place in January. This volunteer will be responsible for making sure everyone receives their packets and tracking collection of the returned envelopes. Some follow up with Council will be involved.
Volunteer Name: Andi Dickens
Outdoor Activity Chair
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Additional Volunteers
Pack Webmaster
Responsible for maintaining Pack 133’s Website and keeping it updated with current information.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Volunteer Unit Health and Safety Coordinator
Responsible for maintaining all medical records of the pack and making sure all info is current. CONFIDENTIALITY A MUST! Work with the Pack Chair, Leaders, and Training Coordinator to make sure all adults have taken the needed training. Makes sure the Pack has a well stocked First Aid kit at all Pack Wide Events. (doesn’t need to attend, just make sure the kit is there)
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Volunteer Coordinator
This person would make sure that the volunteer slots have been filled for all upcoming events and that the volunteers are aware of what they need to do and when.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Reservations Coordinator
This person would be responsible for reserving any locations needed for meetings. (Hilltop House for Meetings, MTMS for Pine Wood Derby and Blue/Gold, etc...) Almost all of this can be done via email or phone
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Certificate of Insurance Coordinator
Once a year our Certificates of Insurance for the locations we meet at need to be updated. This is a simple process that can be done via email. Copies of the COI will then be sent to you and they can stay on file as occasionally someone will need to see an additional copy during the year.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pack Meeting Coordinator(s)
Someone to write out an agenda for Pack Meetings (There’s a basic procedure followed) and just make sure they are running smoothly. If necessary, suggest to the committee ideas for the “Entertainment” portion of the meeting. Coordinate with the Entertainment in terms of pricing/availability/etc and materials they may need. This position should plan on attending all the pack meetings, so two people could consider sharing this role.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Class B -T-shirt Coordinator
Responsible for keeping our supply of Class B T-shirts. And will be the contact for anyone who needs a T-shirt throughout the year. Also responsible to make sure we have enough shirts in our inventory.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Rechartering Coordinator
Once all forms are received for rechartering, enter in the computer system and process with council. This would take place late fall. The den leaders will be responsible for collecting everything from their dens. At this point, it would all get passed onto the coordinator for entry.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Outings and Trips Coordinator
Responsible for overseeing the coordination of both the fall and spring trips and the Fall Camporee. Works with the committee to come up with ideas for pack wide trips then works with the individual coordinator to run each event. Can additionally work as one of the Committee Members/Event Coordinators.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Committee Member Fall Camporee
Usually the last weekend in Sept or First Weekend in October. Responsible for working with Council and coordinating this trip and then collecting RSVPs and any necessary forms.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Committee Member Fall and Spring Trips
Find a fun location, a date that works for the pack, advertise to the pack and collect RSVP’s and any necessary forms. (feel free to sign up for both trips)
Volunteer Name: Open Position
Baloo Trained Parent
Pack requires that at least one Baloo Trained adult attends any overnight trip, including camp-outs. Besides attending some of the trips and/or campouts – one full day training session is required. Information and dates can be found at this link: http://training.ppbsa.org/adult/cubscouts/ (Pack 133 will reimburse you for the training expense)
Volunteer Name: Jason Nolan, Tim McChesney, Tom Shaw, Chris Harner
Camping Coordinator
Helps organize the winter cabin camping in February, and the family campout in May. Make sure reservations have been made, Make sure a Baloo Trained Parent will be attending and assist the coordinators as needed. Work with the Boy Scout Troops to see if any Scouts can assist.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Committee Member Winter Cabin Camping
Plan and organize the Winter Cabin Camping Trip.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Committee Member Family Campout
Plan and organize the May Family Campout
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Popcorn Kernal
Works with Council to order popcorn for the Fall Show and Sell. Reserves King’s and the PO to sell. Explains and coordinates the popcorn sale for the pack. Together with the committee comes up with incentives for the boys to sell. Collects and enters all the orders from the leaders. Receives popcorn for den distribution, tracks prizes, special patches, etc....
Volunteer Name: Position Open (Kerby Kociancic to vacate position)
Popcorn Committee
Assists the Popcorn Kernal with any of the job descriptions listed above.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Popcorn Distribution Coordinator
Willing to “house” the delivered popcorn at their house and hold while the leaders come and pick up their supplies. Arrival date will be a bit flexible.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Popcorn Distribution Committee
Once the popcorn has arrived, help sort it into dens for pick up. Must have a flexible schedule as the time and date of arrival are not known ahead of time.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Publicity Coordinator
Liasons with the local papers (Observer-Tribune, Daily Record, & Star Ledger) to get photos and articles about Pack 133 in print. Those on the committee may write the articles and provide the photos but sometimes these articles will come from the Pack Committee
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pack News Reporter
Help Write articles to spotlight Pack 133 in the news. (also has the option of providing a newsletter for the website if interested)
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pack Photographer
Takes or collects photos to go with the articles or place on the website.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Leader’s Advancement Representative
Liason with the leaders to find out their monthly advancements.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Advancement Data Base Entry
Once all the orders have been received, they can be entered into our Advancement’s System
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Advancements Pick Up
Willing to pick up monthly advancements at the Scout Shop in Cedar Knolls.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Hiking Committee and Coordinator – (4+ Coordinators)
The pack offers seasonal hikes four times a year. This committee plans and at least one person on the committee leads the hike. They need to scout out the chosen location ahead of time to make sure it is safe to hike. Usually hikes are 2-3 miles and tend to be family friendly. The coordinator makes sure that the upcoming hikes are being planned according to the calendar and also can plan/lead the hike if needed. You may sign up for the hike of your choice, but we ask that everyone on the committee try and be flexible if something comes up with another member’s schedule.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Belt Loop Midway Coordinator
The Belt Loop Midway is usually scheduled for the first weekend in January. This coordinator would make sure to alert people to sign up ahead of time and help with registration and any questions if necessary.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pine Wood Derby Coordinator
Pinewood Derby is late January. Coordinator tests track prior to derby date. Day of event, runs the derby including scores, trophies and check in on the night before.
Volunteer Name: Armen Zaybekian, Tom Shaw
PWD Technical Assistance
Someone to work with the track and the computer both for the pre-test (about 1 -2 weeks before hand) and during registration and the day of the event. You will need to enter all the data into the system.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
PWD Registration Coordinator
Check in all the cars, sign in and by rank and list with name before moving onto Inspection.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
PWD Inspection Coordinator
Inspect the cars, provide supplies to “fix” any potential problems. Weigh the cars and once they pass, send them over to impound.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
PWD Quarantine Coordinator
Responsible for making sure that cars stay quarantined once checked in. Scouts are allowed to LOOK at others cars but they cannot be touched. Often the Boy Scouts are in this area assisting with this.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Blue/Gold Committee
The Blue & Gold Banquet is a celebration of the anniversary of scouting in America. It should be a culmination of the year, especially highlighting the activities of the AOL candidates that will be crossing over to Boy Scouts along with their leaders.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Council Bowl a Thon Coordinator
Patriot Path Council Sponsors a Bowl-a-Thon every year the morning of Superbowl Sunday. Coordinator will help to advertise this information out to the pack and register as a group together. Best if they are planning on bowling that day.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Arrow of Light Post Party Coordinator (Must be a Webelo I Family)
Although the AOL Candidates plan the party, this coordinator works with the Webelo I Families who help set up the post party while the ceremony is going on.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Late Night Coordinators
The coordinators supply the water and popcorn and help select which movie we want to show. Also responsible for overseeing clean up afterwards.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Late Night Committee
Help the coordinators with food distribution, monitor the behavior of movie watchers and assist with set up and clean up. Must plan on being at the late night.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Fall and Spring Conservation Coordinator
Environmental conservation is a large part of the scouting movement. We like to provide a conservation service project to a civic location located within our town. Coordinator would provide location options, dates and coordinate the scouts and any tools that may be needed.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Pack Picnic Coordinators
Responsible for coming up with ideas/games etc..for the Year End Pack Picnic. Then running these events the day of the picnic.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Raingutter Regatta Coordinators
Help coordinate the regatta. Distribute the regatta kits and make sure updated rules are online. Make sure the gutters and sawhorses and water are at the site. Help run the races, and figure out the heats for each rank.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Regatta Committee
Assist with judging, providing supplies (straws, glue, etc...) Check-in Registration. Help with heat coordination, etc....
Volunteer Name: Position Open
July 4th Parade Coordinator
Must be willing to walk in the parade. Register Pack 133 to March and coordinate with all the scouts who wish to be in the parade that morning.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Summer Baseball Game Coordinator
Pick a summer baseball game that the pack can go see, it may be an overnight or not. Many of the local teams have ‘Scout Night” Advertise to the pack, and register the group and then all attend the game together.
Volunteer Name: Position Open
Labor Day Parade Coordinator
Must be willing to walk in the parade. Register Pack 133 to March and coordinate with all the scouts who wish to be in the parade that morning.
Volunteer Name: Position Open