Membership is FREE for a Scout's first year with Pack 133. Parents will be reimbursed by Pack 133 for $130 that they will need to pay when registering their child on the BeAScout registration website. When the Scout renews for his or her second year, the membership cost will be $255. Two fees will be assessed: $130 for insurance and program support which will be billed directly by Scouting America and $125 to cover the cost of the Pack's activities.
As noted on the Annual Activities page, the Pack provides a wide variety of activities that Scouts love to do throughout the year. The annual cost of this high-quality program is $255 per Scout which, when compared to the annualized costs of other activities and sports, is an exceptional value.
Scouts have the option of participating in a fundraising program - selling popcorn- to help defray the membership fees. If a Scout were to sell popcorn and achieve a certain amount of sales, the Pack will refund part or all of the $255 in membership fees. Scouts can also earn prizes based on the amount of their sales.
The Pack does its best to control costs while providing a high-quality Scouting program. However, some costs are beyond our control and therefore the figures above are subject to change.
Questions? Contact Cubmaster Lawrence Morris at [email protected] or 908.391.1717
As noted on the Annual Activities page, the Pack provides a wide variety of activities that Scouts love to do throughout the year. The annual cost of this high-quality program is $255 per Scout which, when compared to the annualized costs of other activities and sports, is an exceptional value.
Scouts have the option of participating in a fundraising program - selling popcorn- to help defray the membership fees. If a Scout were to sell popcorn and achieve a certain amount of sales, the Pack will refund part or all of the $255 in membership fees. Scouts can also earn prizes based on the amount of their sales.
The Pack does its best to control costs while providing a high-quality Scouting program. However, some costs are beyond our control and therefore the figures above are subject to change.
Questions? Contact Cubmaster Lawrence Morris at [email protected] or 908.391.1717